Preaching…Counselling…Praying For The Sick To Be Healed
It Does'nt Get Any Better Than This (well almost)!!
Yesterday I returned to the pulpit and preached my heart out on Pleasing God. It was great to be back in the pulpit; I shared extensively my furlough experiences and tied them to the sermon’s main theme. These days I preach inductively. It’s lively and holds their attention. The 3 point pedagogic style just doesn’t cut it in Bolivia. After the sermon we confessed the Apostle’s creed, sang a warfare praise song, took the offertory, interceded and said the collect. We closed the service with a praise song that fired everyone up. God’s people are blessed as heralds in the benediction and sent to the world as instruments of His blessing!
Evangelical churches miss out on the power of confessing the creed. Confessing the Creed is proclaiming the works of God against the principalities and the powers; in the midst of nihilism, unbelief, agnosticism, God’s people confess the gift of their mighty faith… We Believe In One God…This is the faith that not only pleases God but also overcomes the world. Many came up for prayer and ministry…all wanting to please the Lord in their lives. Ahh…the joys of the ministry!
At night I visited a very committed couple in the church. They’re in charge of the marriage ministry and never fail to attend our courses. He is running an import and export business. We shared our lives over tea and soda biscuits. Their children are doing well in school. God’s people always need encouragement!! Yup..its great to be back in the front lines of ministry!!
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