The first item on the programme resembled a wedding service: parents walking down the aisle with their graduating son or daughter.
Michelle accompanied Elijah {the girls were accompanied by their dads and the boys were with their mums}. Words of encouragement, prepared by the parents were read out as the graduating students entered the auditorium with their parents.
Elijah recieved his diplomas from one of the directors of the school board.
The prinicpal's message, songs, prayers made it an unforgettable night.
and friends was held after the ceremony.
Congratulations and what a unique ceremony!
In sacrificing for the kingdom, your son has been priveleged to experience an enriching, solid education in another culture. Young individuals like him would be very much in demand in today's globalized economy.
you got a daughter too, meh?? why lah so serious face
Sierra Quebec
Your daughter is pretty and very photogenic. Well done brother.
dear sierra quebec,
not my daughter. She was a 10th grader who accompanied parents who did not walk with the graduates down the aisle.
i was a teasing you. that was nice and thoughtful, to get someone to accompany you.
hei...i made chappatis and potato and chicken curry last night (Sunday). and creamed spinach. Good grief...I thought I would almost pass out while kneading that silly dough. Plus cooking each of those 11 chappatis on that hot hot stove!!.
Sierra Quebec
Congratulations to Elijah and his proud parents! Hope to catch up with you when you are back to Singapore.
+Moses & Cynthia
Felicidades para Elijah. I am in Msia and Spore at the present moment so hope to see you sometime in one of these countries. Por lo demas, Dios sabe!
Congratulations to all three of you, I'm just sorry I wasn't able to get back in time to see it. Hugs from Texas!!
Dear Brothers and Sister in Christ,
You are in our prayers as Elijah moves to a new part of his life, and as you transition in Singapore. Raphael and Michelle, I know how difficult it is to have a child so far away. I also know what it is to hold a child close in my heart. I pray you will have peace and joy as you face the changes life brings.
For His Sake, Rev. Ralph and Terri Morgan, Houston, Texas
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