We are preparing for our trip back to S'pore.
These are busy moments for us: packing, saying our goodbyes, buying souveniers, writing notes, doing our budgets, balancing our accounts, briefing house sitters, fixing iron grills to windows, closing our internet and phone accounts, paying all outstanding bills, packing our bags etc..
And we will probably remember to do something important on the day before the flight!
Friends, we fly this Thursday morning and will spend some time with my sister in California before leaving for Singapore.
Raphael, My apologies for using the blog as a way of trying to link to Michelle. If you do get this before heading to California or even if you are enroute- could you ask Michelle to contact me please via e-mail at rowena.parnell@blueyonder.co.uk- it is regarding our aunt in Singapore. I know you are all incredibly busy now- so sorry to intrude. Many thanks. Rowena
ok rowena...will relay your message
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