O Lord, I Am Ashamed to Seek Thy Face
Christina Rossetti (1830-1894)O Lord, I am ashamed to seek Thy Face
As tho’ I loved Thee as Thy saints love Thee:
Yet turn from those Thy lovers, look on me,
Disgrace me not with uttermost disgrace;
But pour on me ungracious, pour Thy grace
To purge my heart and bid my will go free,
Till I too taste Thy hidden Sweetness, see
Thy hidden Beauty in the holy place.
O Thou Who callest sinners to repent,
Call me Thy sinner unto penitence,
For many sins grant me the greater love:
Set me above the waterfloods, above
Devil and shifting world and fleshly sense,
Thy Mercy’s all-amazing monument.
thats a very beautiful prayer.
btw -have you read "God is Closer Than You Think". i dont do books anymore,(previous work-place hazard) but that is one book that i hold dear to my heart -esp. chapter on 'when God seems absent'.
mgr's thangachi
the title sounds familiar..who is the author?
John Ortberg.
has a great gift for story-telling with a nice sense of humor.
maybe you have read it.
mgrs thangachi.
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