Joy of Reading!
My father, JWD Samuel and my mother, Ruby Samuel occupy a special place in my heart.
They've both passed on to glory but they gave us, their 4 children, Rachel, Reuben, Rebecca and Raphael, the joy of reading.
My father was a voracious reader and so was my mother. Dad used to concentrate and read under the bright lamp in his room. Mum read in the hall. The arrival of TV changed their reading habits but they still maintained their love for the written word.
My parents introduced us to different worlds by inculcating in us a love for reading. Dad gave us the newspapers every morning and reading the daily news helped me to discover politics and sports. He also subscribed to magazines which dealt with socio-political issues, both international and and regional. Mum in buying comics, mostly DC, for us once month at a 2nd hand book shop helped us discover fantasy and adventure. She also, more importantly, bought and gave me my first bible when I was 15 years old.
The photo was probably taken in the 1960's
Bishop Rafael,
It was a pleasure to discover your blog today. I will enjoy reading in the future. A nice way to keep in touch with Bolivia.
I love the picture of Bishop Newbiggin, one of my heros. I have read aeverything he has written, some of it many times.
David Englund
St. Paul's, Oroville, CA
Thanks David for your encouragement!
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