Check out "Going to Bolivia1"..click here
I left the Navy, determined to study in the university and pursue my dreams outside of Singapore. As I laid these plans before the Lord I sensed Him moving me in a different direction - toward full time ministry. It was a time of testing, especially when a chance to work overseas in a well paying job surfaced. Under conviction I rejected the offer, much to the annoyance of the personnel manager and made preparations to serve the Lord full time.
In the midst of all this I was suddenly and sovereignly baptised in the Holy Spirit without knowing it. One day I went to window in my home, sensed a strange language in my heart and begin to verbalize a language I had never heard before. I did not know what was happening until I read books by Dennis Bennet and others. I had discovered a new found love for Jesus, a thirst for the scriptures and a boldness to serve the Lord.
One of the challenges I faced from the beginning was to reconcile my call as an ordained clergyman as well as a growing desire to serve in the mission field. My ordination interview, to say the least, left me intimidated. Its not everyday that one is put under the spotlight and questioned in a room full of saintly looking men with clerical collars. One of them told me it was difficult to envisage me in seminary due to a lack of funds. To this day I don't know what drove me to reply, Well that's all right I'll join Operation Mobilization. I left, feeling both relieved and curious as to the outcome of the meeting.GETTING BAPTISED IN THE SPIRIT
I left the Navy, determined to study in the university and pursue my dreams outside of Singapore. As I laid these plans before the Lord I sensed Him moving me in a different direction - toward full time ministry. It was a time of testing, especially when a chance to work overseas in a well paying job surfaced. Under conviction I rejected the offer, much to the annoyance of the personnel manager and made preparations to serve the Lord full time.
In the midst of all this I was suddenly and sovereignly baptised in the Holy Spirit without knowing it. One day I went to window in my home, sensed a strange language in my heart and begin to verbalize a language I had never heard before. I did not know what was happening until I read books by Dennis Bennet and others. I had discovered a new found love for Jesus, a thirst for the scriptures and a boldness to serve the Lord.
It was a bit of a surprise when my vicar informed me of the decision to accept me as a provisional candidate for the ordained ministry. The finances were soughted out when someone gave a hefty donation to St Peter's Hall (the place where anglican ordinands were trained).
In seminary my interest in Latin America did not dissipate. We were all caught up with the charismatic renewal in those days; I remember having two visions or pictures in the screen of my mind: one was of Jesus holding the globe with His bloodied hands; the other was of blood flowing, from His gigantic and bloodied feet, onto dry desert. The blood changed the dusty desert into beautiful green pastures and springs. I shared these two pictures with a very mature Christian lady; she did not blink an eyelid when saying that they probably indicated a missionary call. Her sharing cum discerment began to resonate in my heart.
1 comment:
Step by step He leads us. You chose to serve Him in the midst of uncertainty instead of taking the overseas offer of a secure life.It echoed the footsteps of our father Abraham. The Lord must have been so pleased with your steps of faith.
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