According to a financial report, Fitch Rating, the Bolivian economy has improved and is, for the forseeable future, stable. The assesment, based on Bolivia's macro economic performance last year, highlighted the growth in reserves, extra income from the oil industry and a multi lateral initiative to ease Bolivia's external debts. Hope that this report will catch the attention of foreign investors.
Take this with a pinch of salt; I've yet to see something on per capita income nor statistics on income distribution and the gross domestic product.
The president is due to give his annual state of the nation speech on the 6th of August. Perhaps we will get more information then.
Hello Revdo,
¿Cómo está usted? Es mojado ahora aquí en Malasia.
Would like to suggest to you -
When assisting your english speaking tourist, get them to visit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santa_Cruz_de_la_Sierra
Nephew-in-law (if there's such a thing)
wow un sobrino de malasia que habla espanol. Praise the Lord!
baboo samuel has a blog?
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