The Return Of El Niño
We've had non stop rain in Santa Cruz for the past week. The result has been floods in the provinces and towns near the city centre. Many families have lost their homes and their livelihood; quite a large number have had to be evacuated. The photo on your right shows children being evacuated to a safer area. Experts warned of these torrential downpours last month, saying that they were part of the El Niño phenomenon. They say that the rains will continue until March. The president went to Europe a few months ago in an attempt to raise funds and and seek aid in anticipation of this natural disaster.
People are also fearful because they've yet to face the full impact of El Nino in the city of Santa Cruz. We live in a flood prone district. About 25 years ago flood waters reached the roof of the homes in our neighbourhood! As a result the United Nations helped to construct a strong anti flooding defense system against the main river which runs through the city. We've not had a major destructive flood experience since then. Questions are however being raised about the system's ability to confront the threat of El Niño. We shall find out soon!
Pray for us!
Pastor Thomas said on the way back from Malacca on Thursday after the pastors prayer summit, it was flooded on both sides of the North-South highway all the way from 30 mins out of Malacca to 30 mins before second link. Thats real bad!
oh dear..are we going to experience be like the generation of Noah..
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