Bob Jepsen, an american anglican healing evangelist, came to Santa Cruz last week; he worked with us and the local Vineyard chuch. This was his first visit to Santa Cruz. He ran similar meetings and seminars in the other Bolivian cities where pastors reported some dramatic healings. One boy's enlarged heart shrunk. The doctors claimed a miracle and did not go ahead with the surgery. Another lady was healed of liver cancer. He also went to share the gospel in the local prison where many went to the altar for prayer and ministry.
In Santa Cruz, Bob did a seminar on healing, held night services, met pastors from other churches and preached at our sunday services. His visit was a preparatory step toward a larger series of evangelistic meetings this June. This was a low key exploratory visit focused on leaders and Pastors. Hence the night meetings were not characterized by large crowds. The anointing however was present and many were blessed!
Bob's ministry is quiet and self effacing. He is not loud nor does he have a showy "Pentecostal" edge. A camera-man does not follow him as he ministers; he does'nt raise his voice nor does he tell stories in a way which makes you weep and fall of your chair. Bob is no salesman! He facilitates a corporate anointing which draws others to pray for the sick. His ministry is slow, inclusive and dependant on the worship. His style, on some level, is reminiscent of the way John Wimber used to run his meetings. Lay leaders and pastors don't view Bob as the great visiting evangelist but as a shy dude just like us. Ol' Bob cultivates the "If-he-can-do-it-so-can-I" mentality. And that is perhaps the strength of his minstry. Praise the Lord!!
This is a more accessible doable model for healing ministry in the church.
Does Bob Jepsen come to the US at all? I think he could do some real good at both of my parishes.
Bob is from Southern California. He does missions in many places but seems to have a heart for Bolivia. Will try and redirect him to you, Mike
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