The Sunday service after the VBS was packed out; extra chairs had to be brought and the service spilled out into the dirt road. Parents and relatives of the children came along for the service. Wish it was like this every Sunday!
We do follow- up through home visits and are planning to invite the parents for dinner to re-establish links and to share with them our future plans. The dream of course is to purchase a property and start family enrichment programmes, workshops on personal development and a special tuition programme that will help children who are lagging in their studies. We hope to evangelise and make disciples of children and their families through these activities. The key is of course to train and motivate the leadership as we seek to improve our facilities in a better place. The leadership is praying for new premises. We saw a piece of property that is available for about $US60, 000.
Some of you have been faithfully following this series of 8 postings entitled REACHING OUT diligently. It began with a write up on the beginnings of Pan De Vida and ends with a future projection of the work. My task is to build the leadership, mentor the pastor and to help in the search for new facilities. A Christ centred gospel empowers converts and gives them hope and a future. Time and again we’ve seen the Lord do remarkable things in families, individuals and children. Praise the Lord! Please contact us at raph160157@hotmail.com if you wish to help in the areas of prayer and finances.
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