A Cold Winter In Santa Cruz!
Temperatures have dropped dramatically in Santa Cruz; we are experiencing a very cold winter. At night it can get as low as 14% celsius; this is a dramatic change because temperatures hover between 25 to 30%. In some areas its even dropped to 9%.
The weather in Santa Cruz is normally humid and hot; folk here are normally very lightly clothed. We rushed for our mothballed wollens as the cold began to descend upon us suddenly about 2 weeks ago.
The photo on the top is a half way home for those abandoned and without decent housing; they're wrapped in blankets under the vigilance of a security guard. A warm place with blankets and some hot food is a matter of life and death for the homeless in Santa Cruz.
The weather in Santa Cruz is normally humid and hot; folk here are normally very lightly clothed. We rushed for our mothballed wollens as the cold began to descend upon us suddenly about 2 weeks ago.
The photo on the top is a half way home for those abandoned and without decent housing; they're wrapped in blankets under the vigilance of a security guard. A warm place with blankets and some hot food is a matter of life and death for the homeless in Santa Cruz.
Yup, one thing I can never get used to - brrr weather. Sometimes it gets way below freezing point here. Nothing seems to keep me warm. So learnt the art of layering. I wear abt 5 socks and 5 layers of clothes -winter time. And turning on every light I come across in the house. To keep me from getting depressed from gloomy weather.
Keep warm.
Sierra Quebec.
yup we are into layering also. the secret is to get good undergarments.
We have no central heating in Bolivia.
Nope, I refuse to turn on heater. Becomes very drying.
Laulang got me UnderArmor (UA) to keep me warm - but i still need several other layers to still keep me from getting blue in the face.
But one UA undergarment seems to be good enough for him!!
Its summer time here. Guess you must be opposite of us.
Guess who I heard from few minutes ago. An old classmate of ours!!!! Cant tell the name, unless I get green light from this person!!!
See ya...
Sierra Quebec.
Hey, is this one of the ministries you were mentioning in your e mail to me? If it is, you guys are doing a fantastic job, and the Anglican church should be proud to have sent a son like you from its diocese.
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