I dunno know what to say...we've just joined the ranks of:
Bill & Melinda Gates, Bono (2005) - I wish I had Bill's money and Bono's gumption.
Mikhail Gobarchev (1989) - History, unlike Russia, will be kinder to Gobarchev.
I dunno know what to say...we've just joined the ranks of:
Bill & Melinda Gates, Bono (2005) - I wish I had Bill's money and Bono's gumption.
Mikhail Gobarchev (1989) - History, unlike Russia, will be kinder to Gobarchev.
Pope John Paul 2 (1994) - John Paul was courageous. He recognised Luther as a son of the church and asked forgiveness from the protestant community.
Mandela, De Klerk, Rabin and Arafat (1993) - Mandela is a hero; history cornered De Klerk; Rabin like many a great visionary was killed; Arafat a father figure to his people had no more cards left to play.
Ayatollah Khomeini (1979) - He's dead (sigh of relief)
The Endangered Earth (1988) - Huh?...the earth is a person?..when did that happen!
Would TIME have chosen Jesus as their Person Of The Year in AD33?
Yeah! we are part of the cyber-masses changing the way the world gets and views information and news.
One of the better choices they have made!!
you can say that again! the military industrial complex may not like it but the internet is here to stay.
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